Zamba mia
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[Verse 1] Whispers beneath the willow Silken dreams slightly shaded Moonbeams quiet the meadow Sculpt the night, make it sacred Weaving threads of our silence In the stillness we find solace [Chorus] Hold me close till the dawn Feel my heart as we breathe In the moments we won Let us dance underneath [Verse 2] Promises hung like stars Traced in the lines of your palm Gentle waves of our scars Reflect the notes of our psalm Hear the echoes of longing Chasing ghosts in our longing [Chorus] Hold me close till the dawn Feel my heart as we breathe In the moments we won Let us dance underneath [Bridge] Lost in the spaces between Crafted from shadows unseen Our melody whispers true In each sigh I find you [Chorus] Hold me close till the dawn Feel my heart as we breathe In the moments we won Let us dance underneath
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