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Daniel soto

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He likes to jack bobcats, tractors and pretty much anything with a motor, and if its worth some cash he is gonna take it. He drives a tow truck just in case you get stuck he is down to help you. He has a live in girlfriend named behind then he gots his side bitch Kerri. But those arent the only hoes he fucks with. I heard that he gets around . He is a super nice guy and is really funny but his main goal is to make money. He also has a grand marquis he got it from a place that he licked. He is on probation just like me but he thinks this time he might piss dirty I dont think his p o will like that. He hangs out at John Yates shed and watches Orlando spoon his side bitch. His laugh is loud and funny and his eyes are squinty. He lives off Mathis road with his dad his dad just got out of jail cause Beth lied on him. At least I think she did.. but he cares about her and avoids the confrontation. He even wants to see Darlenes tits she said he said he will pay her to see them. I think he is pretty cool he went to Southside high school they say he has an application to be his side chic . One time I wrote peckerfly on his privacy fence. Me and frank took him to the ice house, I remember that day I thought he was pretty cute. One time he helped me pull a big truck out of a rut so many people had failed at this mission and he did it very impressive. He is really smart and stronger than me just barely. I enjoy his company I dont know why he chooses to help me he must of heard from some body that knows how badass I am. Have you guessed who it is well its Daniel Soto haha[outro][Instrumental Interlude][fadeout][end]

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