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......Not sure how you got cursed with someone like me!!! ...and Im!! The one! Im the one that got lucky! ...... The streets filled with beggars & thiefs!!.... but i found a Diamond in the Ruff!! ...... when you saved me!! ... Colorless dreams!! Until you filled them!! ...... I never new what unconditional love was until you gave it!!.... one will ever know how youre love saved me!!! ......Not sure how you got cursed with someone like me!!! ...and Im!! The one! Im the one that got lucky! ...... The streets filled with beggars & thiefs!!.... but i found a Diamond in the Ruff!! ...... when you saved me!! ... Colorless dreams!! Until you filled them!! ...... I never new what unconditional love was until you gave it!!.... one will ever know how youre love saved me!!! ......Not sure how you got cursed with someone like me!!! ...and Im!! The one! Im the one that got lucky! ...... The streets filled with beggars & thiefs!!.... but i found a Diamond in the Ruff!! ...... when you saved me!! ... Colorless dreams!! Until you filled them!! ...... I never new what unconditional love was until you gave it!!.... one will ever know how youre love saved me!!! ......Not sure how you got cursed with someone like me!!! ...and Im!! The one! Im the one that got lucky! ...... The streets filled with beggars & thiefs!!.... but i found a Diamond in the Ruff!! ...... when you saved me!! ... Colorless dreams!! Until you filled them!! ......

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