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Until we meet again2

Pop, Country

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[Guitar riff];;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; every! Song i write some how ends up being about you!! Thats when they say you need help!, I have someone who can talk to you[female voice raspy-soft] so tell me whats been on youre mind? Is the closure you were looking for. Hard to find!! ;;;;;; i want you to sit and relax!! I want you to think back!! Tell yourself it was just a dream!! And that!! She would!! Never do that!! To me!! Its obvious!! Time doesnt heal all wounds!! Heartbreak always makes the deepest wounds!! The hurt so bad!! That the world couldnt end too!! Soon!!! ;;;;;;;;;;;; why is it every time I start iff!! With a new tune! It always ends!! Up being!! About you!!!! ;;;;;; when do i get to fly again!! When will my smile not be pretend. ;;;;; do we get! Get to do this again!! So dont hold your breath until we meet again!! ;;

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